To train and equip women students from economically and socially backward communities with education of the highest quality so that they may lead responsible and purposeful lives and transmit their achievement to the betterment of society.


  • To maintain a program that will develop women of great integrity and high character and culture for whom excellence is the motto in life.
  • To continue to cater to eligible women students from all parts of the country irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
  • To empower women so that they may become leaders and make their world a better place to live in.
  • To develop individual talent, personal relationship and creative group life with high moral standards through a diversified programme of campus activities.
  • To impart secular values in the spirit of Oneness of God and the Universal Brotherhood of Man to bring about cultural and spiritual unity.
  • To nurture and foster high academic standards amongst the faculty with the aim of tapping the potential for excellence.
  • To provide a conductive environment inspiring loyalty and commitment through the care, concern, respect and dignity accorded to every individual associated with the college.
  • To continue striving for the upliftment of the community at large by specific activities and programmes co-ordinated by the Management, the staff and the students.