Setting Quality Standards in Curricular Aspects:

  • The IQAC has made efforts to standardise various processes and set up quality standards such as providing orientation to the staff on learning outcomes and curriculum design and development for effective pedagogy and teaching methods with thrust on student centric teaching and learning.
  • Maintenance of teaching diary and calendar is another quality initiative set by the IQAC.
  • Entry level tests for students have been organised to assess and gauge their capacity for effective monitoring and mentoring.
  • The curriculum is inclusive of group projects, field visits and industrial visits
  • Additional credits are allocated to students to take up certificate courses, online courses, Internships, paper publication/presentation and research projects.
  • Extra credits are also given to students taking up Value added courses which is a new initiative of the IQAC

Quality Audit:

  • The Academic audit is conducted once in two years with the help of external experts. The committee evaluates the academic processes of the various programs and activities of the department and facilities available on campus. Interactive sessions are arranged with students,teaching staff and non teaching staff and the report is presented to the principal. The valid remarks and suggestions by the Audit members are taken up by the respective heads of the departments for future improvement and progress in the academic sphere.

Internal Assessment

  • Every year the IQAC collects the data pertaining to the criteria of the NAAC and related activities from all the departments, supported by valid documents and proof.
  • The IQAC is incharge of the Institutional data as per the required format of different National Assessment Bodies such as AISHE, NIRF for the annual submission of AQAR and for the purpose of SSR preparation as per the revised NAAC guidelines.

Policy revision and creation:

  • To streamline and track the performance of Institutional activities, policies are framed focusing on prime areas.
  • Revision of certain existing policies are done to keep up with the changing needs and development. These are subjected to review and updated from time to time

Teaching Innovations:

  • The IQAC warrants and ensures the optimal utilisation of ICT facilities such as smart boards, projectors, computers and other facilities on campus by the faculty members and students.
  • The hardware and software are updated as per the learning requirements.
  • Networking connectivity and storage of data is also monitored time-to-time to facilitate the stability and efficacy.

Feedback Mechanism-Online:

  • The IQAC believes that feedback is a valuable tool to improve and progress. Comprehensive feedback forms have been designed in various spheres of assessment.
  • The IQAC believes that feedback is a valuable tool to improve and progress. Comprehensive feedback forms have been designed in various spheres of assessment.
  • Analysis of feedback is disseminated to the Faculty for considerable action to be taken.


  • The IQAC encourages, promotes and supports the Departments to organise and conduct seminars/ Workshops/Conferences at International /National /State/ /Regional / College levels with participating audiences as students, faculty of our Institution and from other Institutions. Every department of Arts, Science and Commerce stream undertakes this exemplary exercise to update knowledge and gain insight on recent trends and technologies. This initiative provides the apt platform to build foundations for new collaborations, and foster connections with eminent resource persons and experts who share their expertise while kindling critical thinking and the quest for new knowledge.

Research & Allied:

  • The IQAC ensures a robust research culture in the institution. With the objective of promoting, guiding and monitoring the research activities of the faculty members in the College, the MRCC (Multidisciplinary Research and Consultancy Centre) is established.
  • Seed money assistance is provided for staff for proposals with innovative sustainable ideas and quality. The entire process is channelized and scrutinized by external experts.
  • Financial Assistance is provided as a motivating factor for the research activities of the faculty members which includes Paper publication in peer reviewed journals with a good and high impact factor. . The UGC care list/ Scopus Web of Science taken as reference source for incentivising.

Research Funds for budding projects

  • To kindle the entrepreneurial spirit and to increase scientific research temperament among young minds, funds are allocated to students. The students are encouraged to do socially relevant projects. After evaluating the ideas and project proposals the Institution provides financial assistance to them.

Online database subscription

  • To stay abreast of the scientific developments, the institution subscribes to research databases like Nlist, Delnet, EBSCO and Scopus.

Encouraging Green Practices

  • The IQAC ensures through the ENVIRO CLUB that green initiatives are carried out in all respects. Students are encouraged to use biodegradable or eco-friendly products and maximum Plastic free initiatives are exercised at Canteen.
  • Posters are displayed at different places, highlighting the hazards of pollution and importance to save the earth. No-smoking zones are marked.
  • Herbal garden has been established to bring awareness on the efficacy of medicinal herbs. Bio-friendly disposal of laboratory waste is in vogue.
  • Harvesting pits to preserve rain water is made at different points to maintain the ground water level. Segregation of solid and liquid waste is made possible.
  • Oxygen zones are created to enhance the green practices
  • The Enviro Club plans and organises the Green Audit in coordination with the students and faculty members of the Club.

Monitoring Committees, Centres, Clubs and Cells:

  • The IQAC monitors the quality standards of the functioning of the Committees, Centres, Cells and Clubs by holding meetings and collecting the report, outcome and feedback of the programmes/ events conducted and guides them to strategize their activities.

Faculty Enrichment

  • The IQAC, makes an earnest effort to provide periodic Enrichment Programs to the faculty members with a focus on development by improving leadership qualities, understanding recent curriculum models, adopting technology integrated teaching methods, enhancing content knowledge, augmenting research approaches and training in using innovative laboratory equipment.

Student Support

  • The Orientation/ Induction Program (SIP) for the students is designed by the IQAC in accordance with UGC guidelines. To encompass a 360 degrees view about the Institution, the students are provided with overall information about their Campus and facilities available.
  • Awareness programmes covering essential Life Skills, Health Care, Emotional and Spiritual Balance, Cyber Security, Values and Responsibilities and Career Options are conducted.
  • Special training programs are identified and offered to mould personality and enhance the technical skills of the students.
  • Students are encouraged to participate and involve in activities with true spirit of belongingness and to understand the Vision, Mission, Quality standards and Benchmarks of the institution. They are provided with a platform to perform and exhibit their talents.
  • The IQAC takes the lead to coordinate the mentoring program for the students. Mentor guidelines are prepared and distributed to the mentors. The mentees are assigned to the mentors, and mentoring day is marked in the calendar for a formal mentoring session. Mentee forms are made available to record the details of the mentees. The mentors also advise/guide the mentees on a need basis.
  • The IQAC has developed programs for the Advanced and Slow Learners with an interest in quality progression of the students. Special sessions are organised on memory techniques, learning methods, motivation etc. for the Slow Learners, under the banner BLOOM. This is over and above the remedial assistance provided by the class teacher. Similarly sessions are arranged for the group of advanced learners, to go beyond classroom learning, imparting the right training and techniques to utilise higher order thinking, etc., in the name of ILLUMINATE.
  • Essential Real-world skills are developed through community engagement programmes. To instill quality community life skills like social care, service learning, compassion, empathy etc. The IQAC formulated the OUTREACH Committee.
  • To augment this Outreach, Tie-ups with an NGO was undertaken as the next step. The OUTREACH committee members identify the community in need and direct the students to fulfill that service.
  • The students with their capacity and talent are able to connect to the needy and the less privileged to extend their respective outreach activity. The individual departments have signed linkages with schools, hospitals, old age homes, etc., to render service.
  • The Forums like NSS, NCC, YRC and Enviro Clubs also extend social service in the local neighbourhood and in other places, involving students. All the above mentioned methods of community outreach are monitored by the IQAC.

Stakeholders meet

  • To ensure the safety and security of the students, the IQAC actualised STAKEHOLDERS' MEET. It was realised that meeting/conversation with the stakeholders and gaining inputs with comprehensive feedback is essential for the wellbeing of the students and for the administration of the Institution. Thus it focused on the stakeholders such as parents, bus/van operators, police personnel, local shopkeepers and adjacent bank servicers to enable safety, smooth and effective services rendered to our students. The positive inputs from the stakeholders were taken into consideration by the Institution for the betterment of the society.