Activities of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell for the academic year 2020-2021

 During the lockdown period the Internal Quality Assurance Cell arranged for a 7 day Faculty Enrichment Programme from 27th May 2020 to 2nd June 2020 under CPE through the zoom platform on how to create and handle e-content to provide virtual teaching to students during this pandemic. The resource person was Dr. NaseerAli, an author and trainer in Educational Technology and also an Assistant Professor at Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Kochi. 

On 11th July 2020, a National Webinar titled “Measuring the Attainment of Learning Outcomes”through an online platform was conducted by IQAC India Cluster, India. The resource persons were Prof. Bharath Kangude, founder member of IQAC Cluster, India, & Head, Department of Physics, Baburaoji Gholap College, Maharashtra, Prof. Popat Savaleram Tambade, member of IQAC Cluster and IQAC Coordinator & Head, Department of Physics, Prof. Ramakrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pune and Dr. Lalitha Vivek Rane, Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Chairman, Outcome based Committee of Prof. Ramakrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pune.

The Students Induction Programme was conducted from 19th August to 26th August 2020 virtually for Forenoon and Afternoon session students separately. The Freshers’ were addressed by the Principal which was followed by the first day first show hosted by the students. The sessions on History of the College, Virtual tour, facilities, About Vision and Mission, Know your curriculum, Health & Hygiene, Personality Enrichment, Social Consciousness, E-safety and Evaluation reforms were delivered by various resource persons.

The Student Welfare Committee of our College in association with IQAC conducted an online awareness program on “Enhancing Immunity in the Post-Covid Era” on 13th February 2021. The resource person for the programme was Dr. Sheela Sasikumar; Director of Clinical Research at S.S. Healthcare.

The IQAC and Department of Psychology organized a Workshop titled “ILLUMINATE-Towards the Peak of Excellence” on 17th February 2021 for Advanced Learners. The workshop was conducted in the Library seminar hall by Dr Sandhya Rani Ramadass and her team of psychologists from Element H Psychological Support Services. The students were oriented on major avenues of career after graduation, Developing the necessary knowledge, skill and attitude to grow in their field, Steps to prepare oneself, Resume Writing, Setting smart goals, Developing key soft skills like values, gratitude, empathy, tolerance, motivation. Team activities and insightful exercises were included. They were also oriented on how to build resilience, and cope with stress.

The Anti Discriminatory Cell organized a programme on the topic “Thadakalai Thaandi” on 6th March 2021 through online mode. The program was primarily aimed to keep the fighting spirit alive in today’s generation and to maintain the positive attitude of the students in the tough times of Covid. Dr. Parveen Sultana, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil was the resource person for the event and she focused on motivating the students by way of quoting examples of real-life situations and further she explained the need of maintaining strict discipline, clean habits and personal integrity in day to day life.

The Department of Economics in association with IQAC arranged for a workshop titled “Self- defence and Gender Based Violence” in the Golden Jubilee Seminar hall on 17th March 2021. Dr. Sundari Suresh, President, Global Multi-disciplinary Research and Academic Foundation (GMRAF) Founder, Dr. Abdul Kalam Institute of Training and Development, Chennai elaborated on Gender based violence with power point presentation and engaged the students with the general quiz related to how to react towards the violence (both domestic and external violence). Shihan S.Haribabu, President & Technical Director, Shorei-kai Asia H.q, Ryu Kyu Kobudo Hozonkai India H.q trained the students to create a safer environment for everyone by challenging the peers to reflect on their own behavior and speaking up when someone crosses the line with the defence techniques.

On 26th March 2021, IQAC and the Department of Psychology organized a Workshop titled “BLOOM -Enhancing Study Skills” by Dr.K.Malathi, Chief Counsellor, Adarsh Group of Institutions. The session was aimed to impart study skills to students. Topics such as hemispherical functioning, memory skills, learning styles and motivation were also covered. Memory strategies like mnemonics, flash cards, highlighting and flowcharts were newly introduced to students.

A 2 day Gender Sensitization Programme was organised by Centre for Womens Studies in association with the IQAC was conducted through virtual mode. On 27th of March 2021, Ms. R.K. Nithyashri, Lead nutritionist illuminated the students on “Health sensitivity for girls in the New Normal'' and Ms.B.A. Ashiq Cidhara, President, Yuva Sakthi Youth Welfare Association delivered a lecture on “Sensitizing the Self against the insensitivity of Others”. On 29th of March 2021, Ms. Nisha Nujumudeen, Economist, Govt. of India, National level Motivational speaker, Director of Jolabee Commerce Pvt.Ltd. deliberated on Women Empowerment and Gender Equality. E-certificates were provided to the students.

Dr.Naseer Ali demonstrating How to create and maintain blogs by using Blogger

Students Induction Programme

Dr.Abha emphasizing the freshers on Social Consciousness and Values

Dr. Parveen Sultana addressing the first year students on Personality Enrichment

Dr. Sundari Suresh addressing the students on Gender based violence

Shihan S. HARIBABU demonstrating self defence techniques

Dr. Sheela Sasikumar delivering a talk on Enhancing Immunity in the Post-Covid Era”

Dr Sandhya Rani Ramadass highlighting on major avenues of career after graduation

Ms. R.K. Nithyashri, Lead nutritionist enriching the students on “Health sensitivity for girls in the New Normal''

Ms.B.A. Ashiq Cidhara, President, Yuva Sakthi Youth Welfare Association elucidated on “Sensitizing the Self against the insensitivity of Others”