Student Projects Funded by Government and NGOs
Financial year Name of the Faculty (Principal investigator) Name of the Funding Agency Title of the Project Sanctioned Order Amount Received(in Rupees)
2019-2020 Dr. D. Mubeen Sultana, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology TNSCST Bioremediation of Polymer Effluent and its reuse for Agriculture and Aquaculture. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2019- 2020 7,500/-
2021-2022 Dr. Noorjahan. C.M, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology TNSCST Physicochemical Characterization and microbial analysis of commercial drinking water in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. ES-113 7,500/-
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. R. M. Sobana, Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science TNSCST The effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the nutritional status and psychological well being of disabled school children. SS-120 7,500/-
2022-2023 Dr. SK. Jasmine Shahina, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology TNSCST Microplastics Bioremediation by Polyethylene degrading bacteria from landfill sites. ES-333 7,500/-
2022-2023 Mrs. Ayesha Arif Zinna, Assistant Professor. Department of Applied Psychology & Behavioural Research TNSCST Effect of psychological intervention on assertiveness and self-esteem among government school students post-pandemic. SS-212 7,500/-