Annual Report 2016-17

The NSS Unit of Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women consists of 400 volunteers under four Programme Officers, viz.Dr. Parveen Sultana, Dr Lalitha, Dr Mallika Begum and Dr Agthar Begum. For the academic year 2016-17, the NSS Unit successfully conducted several regular activities and one special camp with various events.

  • Orientation Programme: Dr.I.S. Parveen Sultana, the NSS programme officer, explained the motto of NSS and how it can help shape a student's personality by simultaneously leaving an impact on society.
  • World Yoga Day was observed on 21st June 2016.
  • World Population Day: The NSS volunteers along with the Programme Officers attended the NSS Conference held at DMS on 11th July. The NSS volunteers also took part in the rally arranged near the Besant Nagar Park on the same day.
  • World Breastfeeding Day was observed on 7th August 2016.
  • Leprosy Awareness Programme conducted by the Health Inspector, made the students aware of what is Leprosy and also guided them on the nature of the disease.
  • Fire Safety Programme conducted by the Fire Personnel demonstrated the fire safety measures to the students.
  • Vardha Puyal: Our NSS volunteers donated generously by providing basic essentials to the people affected by the storm.
  • Blood Donation camp was conducted in the month of August in collaboration with Bank of Baroda-125 units of Blood was collected.
  • Dengue awareness
  • Malaria Awareness
  • The NSS special camp consisted of the following activities: Personality Development Programme, Field work, Dental Camp, Awareness programme, Women Safety Awareness programme, Sports and Games for the beneficiaries, Leadership programme and Cleaning Campaign.