Activities of Academic year 2016-17

The Pasteur club is multidisciplinary bio science club initiated by the DepartmentofApplied Microbiology for the benefit and welfare of the students of JBAS college for women. The main objective of the club is popularisation of Basic and Applied Medical Science across students of all disciplines The club is coordinated by Ms. A. Anuswedha and Ms. J.Sumitha and is intended to bridge the gap between the students of all disciplines and health.

The Pasteur club activities for the current year was inaugurated on 30th Nov 2016, by DR. PREM ANAND, a bare foot training specialist associated with Soundarapandian bone and joint hospital in Chennai. The inauguration was followed by an interactive session on ‘’FITNESS AND LIFESTYLE FOR WOMEN’’where basic exercises were thought to the students. All First UG students were the beneficiaries.

Pasteur Club Interactive session on “FITNESS AND LIFESTYLE FOR WOMEN”

Pasteur club on Dec 1, conducted a slogan writing competition for students on the topic “Say NO to AIDS” to commemorate AIDS DAY.The students of Pasteur club gave awareness about the HIV and AIDS.

After the devastating Chennai cyclone, Pasteur club distributed the posters to all the departments of the college on ‘’DOS AND DON’T AFTER CYCLONE’’ to spread the awareness on the safety measures to be taken before and after cyclone.

On account of the recent spike in swine flu cases in Chennai,  class campaign was organized by the Pasteur club members on ‘’DOS AND DON’T ON SWINE FLU’’ where the students of the club performed a skit and distributed pamphlets in each class to know about  the preventive measures/treatment strategies on ‘’SWINE FLU’’.