Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women
Autonomous, Chennai - 600018
Research Advisory Committee
The Guidelines of the University of Madras shall be applicable for the Research Advisory Committees of all the research departments of the Institution. The guidelines are as follows:
- There shall be a Research Advisory Committee, for each Ph.D. scholar. The Research Supervisor of the scholar shall be the Convener of this Committee. The Head of the Department concerned, provided he/she is a recognized Supervisor, and one other member from Institutions in the neighbourhood, who is an expert in the subject and also a recognized Supervisor for guiding Ph.D. scholars in that Institution.
- In respect of inter-disciplinary research, the co-guide shall also be included as a member, in addition to those mentioned above.
- Research Supervisor may also include an expert (may or may not have Ph.D.) from the Industry / Institution in the Research Advisory Committee in addition to the above members to provide inputs to the candidate but not to count the mandatory requirement of approval of Synopsis.
- This Committee shall have the following responsibilities:
a) To review the research proposal and finalize the topic of research.
b) To guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
c) To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.
d) The Research Scholar and Supervisor should appear before the Dean (Research)/ College Principal / Institute Director along with Senior Professor of concerned department who will review the progress at the end of fourth and fifth year and submit specific recommendation whether the candidate could complete the research work within one or two years.
e) During the First two years, a Research scholar shall present at least two papers in Regional/ National level Seminar/ Conference or shall publish at least one paper in UGC listed journal. From third year onwards, at least one paper must be published in the UGC listed journals.
- A research scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. The six monthly progress reports shall be submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the Institution/Affiliated College with a copy to the research scholar.
- In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory, the Research Advisory Committee shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the Research Advisory Committee may recommend to the Institution/Affiliated College with specific reasons for cancellation of the registration of the research scholar.
Ethical Committee
Research departments to frame individual ethical committees depending on the area of study.
1. Composition of Ethical Committee:
The committee shall be multidisciplinary and multi sectorial in composition. A Chairperson, scientists/experts from the field of study, one legal expert, one representative from the community shall be members apart from the Principal, Vice-Principal, the Research Coordinator and the Head of the Department.
2. Role of the Ethical Committee:
a) The Committee will review all research proposals involving animal/ human participants with a view to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the participants.
b) The Committee shall ensure cardinal principles of research ethics like informed consent, minimizing risk of harm to participants, maintain confidentiality, avoid deceptive practices in planning, conduct and reporting the results of the proposed study.
c) The Committee shall keep itself up to date with the latest national and international guidelines wherever animal and human samples are involved.
d) Applications submitted before the departmental ethical committee is to be scrutinized and the decision of the committee regarding acceptance/ modification/ deferment/rejection of the proposal to be communicated to the research scholar.
e) The Committee shall guide the scholar till the completion of the proposed research work.