Year 2018 – 2019

The inauguration of the Physics clubfor the academic year 2018 – 19 was held on 14/08/2018 from 1.30 pm -3.30 the Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall.The chief guest for the occasion was Dr.(Mrs.) H. Fazlunnisa, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, University of Madras,The chief guest gave a special lecture on the topic ''Reading-The First Step For Invention''. Dr. H. Fazlunnisa, Asst. Professor in the University of Madras, isan alumnus of Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women. She graduated with a degree of B.Sc Physics in the year 2003. She pursued her masters in Library and Information science in Madras University, followed by a doctorate in the same field.The chief guest, Dr. H. Fazlunnisa started her speech with a famous quote of Sir Albert Einstein, '' Ignorance is not knowing anything, but assuming to know everything". She pointed out reading increases empathy. Even Einstein's Theory of Relativity is not something that conjured, but he had to read a lot of rejected theories of other scientists. The chief guest told about the availability of a website called "PROJECT GUTENBERG", that provides free online e-books.  She highlighted the audience with a quote, "Seekers of knowledge will be successful in the coming years; A passive person stays where he is; Read to lead". Her inspiring speech came to a conclusion with an American library quote that says "Readers are leaders".  At the end of the session, badges were distributed to the Physics Club members by the chief guest.

The first Physics club activity was held on 18 Sep’ 2018 at 1:30 pm in the Seminar Hall. Events like Physics facts, Connections, Quiz, Dumb charades, Jumbled Letters on Physics were organized and conducted by the Office Bearers of the Physics Club. The winners of the various events were awarded prizes by the Staff members of the Department of Physics.

The Second Physics Club activity was held on 19 Jan’ 2019at 1:30 pm in the Library Reading Hall.   Events like “What Happens Next”, "Find the Phrase Out", "Pictionary" were organized and conducted by the Office Bearers of the Physics Club. Students participated enthusiastically in the various competitions. The winners of the various events were awarded prizes by the Staff members of the Department of Physics.

The valedictory function of the Physics Club was held on 01.02.2019 from 1.30-3.30pm in the Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall.  The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. S.Suganthi, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University,Chennai. Her area of strength is to teach and train the student to develop their knowledge and kindle their hidden talents.The Chief Guest gave a special lecture on the topic titled "Enhancing and motivating ourselves in dayto day life".  She started her speech by enlightening us with the knowledge,to developpersonalitiesand to overcome the weakness in ourselves. Her lecture also focused on how to build up our environment with positive thoughts and vibes. Her inspiring speech came to a conclusion by encouraging students to do yoga, exercises, meditation etcand also to be good listeners. At the end of the session, Certificates were distributed to the Physics Club members by the Chief Guest.

Student beneficiary

The entire undergraduate students from I, II and III year are benefited by the lectures given by the field experts and the programs conducted by the Physics club.

Students Feedback

Feedbacks given by students are:

  1. The physics club is very informative and teaches us to learn physics playfully.
  2. The events conducted are organized both in professional and fun filled way for us to know the subject
  3. The lectures organized during the inauguration and valedictory is very useful and informative
  4. The club activity helps us to exhibit our talent in a different way through various activities.
  5. We learn to organize events and share the knowledge with all the department students.
  6. Various activities conducted help us to gain different aspects of physics and the discoveries.
  7. We are highly benefited through the interaction with our seniors and other students
  8. The competitions were creative and fun where we experience real physics.
  9. Students presentation and interaction help us to develop our group learning skill and creativity
  10. As physics club member it has been a great opportunity for me to interact with all the department students and gain knowledge.